4 Easy Steps to Organize Your Wedding Photos

Your big day has come and gone and now you have more photos from the wedding that you know what to do with.  The feeling can be overwhelming.  Not only is your mind full of great ideas on what you can do with all those pictures (photo albums, thank you cards, wedding magazines, OH MY!), but there is also that sense of “where do I even begin?” 

Here are a few simple steps that will provide you with some sweet relieve, and keep the process of organization manageable without taking up too much of your time. 

Photo dump
Regardless if you are using iPhoto for Apple products or another photo app for other devices, the first step in the process is to gather all of your photos into one folder.  Make sure you are grabbing everything that friends and family may have been sent to you via email, or on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram too! 

Tag your favorites
Grab a café latte and start flipping through your photos as swiftly as you can while tagging your favorites.  Any easy way to do this in iPhoto is by utilizing the 5 Star system. 
Go to View > Ratings and you’ll see little star icons beneath each photo.

Eliminate duplicates
This step is similar to the last, but the sole purpose is to choose the absolute best of similar pictures and cut out everything else by untagging them.  For example, if you’ve tagged 12 pictures of yourself walking down the aisle… then it’s time to reduce that number down to one or two images.  Simply go through those images and de-select the stars of those that don’t make the cut.  The end result is that you should have one or two outstanding images that you love of each important event.

Once you have step 3 completed, go to View >  Sort Photos > By Rating and choose the 5 stars. Now you have easy access to all your favorite photos, great work! Select them all, and copy to a new photo on your computer labeled something like “Favorite Wedding Photos.”If you really want to take it a step farther, create sub-folders for each event too, like “bridesmaids,” “cake cutting,” “first dance,” etc.

The end result will be a single folder with all of your favorite wedding photos that are labeled in such a way that it will be easy to find what you’re looking for!  This will come in especially handy if you are looking to make a photo album or wedding magazine like those created by Memozines.  

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